The Legend Of Zelda: Every Impa Appearance, Ranked (2024)


  • Impa is a longstanding character in the Legend of Zelda franchise, appearing in several of the main title games, with her role varying in each game.
  • Impa's role in the games ranges from being a nursemaid and information provider to becoming a sage and fierce warrior.
  • Breath of the Wild and Skyward Sword portray Impa as a wise and respected character, with Breath of the Wild being the best example of her providing information and advice.

The Legend of Zelda franchise has created a catalog of wacky and memorable characters throughout its existence. Link and Zelda are among some of the most recognizable video game characters of all time, especially with the commercial and critical success of its most recent installments Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. Some characters are limited to one game, while others become recurring characters that play various roles throughout the series.


5 Most Philosophical Zelda Games

The Legend of Zelda franchise has dabbled in philosophical themes over the years. These are the best examples.

One of these characters is Impa, a wise and trusted member of the Sheikah clan. She's been appearing in Zelda games since the beginning, making her a longstanding character in the franchise. Impa has been featured in nine of the twenty individual main title Zelda games. She has a far bigger role in certain titles, particularly in the 3D games. Her various forms are based on her participation in the storyline, her knowledge, and her skills - among other things.

8 The Legend Of Zelda

The Barely-There Nursemaid

The Legend Of Zelda: Every Impa Appearance, Ranked (2)
The Legend of Zelda


Nintendo Entertainment System , Nintendo Game Boy Advance , 3DS , Wii , Nintendo Wii U

February 21, 1986

Nintendo EAD

Impa's first ever appearance was in the original The Legend of Zelda game, in which she is presented as Princess Zelda's old nursemaid. When Ganon attacks the castle, Zelda sends Impa to find the hero who can save them all. Eventually, Link saves her from the attackers, and she recognizes him to be the hero, passing on Zelda's message.

Unfortunately for Impa, that's where her role begins and ends. In fact, she is only called Impa in the instruction manual and remains unnamed in the game. The Legend of Zelda is by far her least interactive appearance, and most players may not even realize they encountered her at all.

7 The Adventure of Link

The Beginning of Her Wise Ways

The Legend Of Zelda: Every Impa Appearance, Ranked (3)
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
The Legend of Zelda
Nintendo Entertainment System , Nintendo Game Boy Advance , Nintendo GameCube , 3DS , Wii , Nintendo Wii U

December 1, 1988

The Adventure of Link is Impa's second appearance. This iteration recognizes the Triforce mark on Link's hand, and leads him to a secret chamber in Hyrule Palace, revealing the original Princess Zelda in an eternal slumber. As longtime servants of the Palace, Impa's family have passed down the prophecy that one day a hero will arrive to save Princess Zelda, and that hero is Link.

Although Impa has a much more pivotal role in The Adventure of Link, she is once again constrained to imparting lore and giving Link his quest. This is the real beginning of Impa's position as a knowing character. She will come to inform Link of quests throughout her existence, but her part in this game remains limited.

6 Oracle of Seasons & Oracle of Ages

The Undercover Watcher

The Legend Of Zelda: Every Impa Appearance, Ranked (4)
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages


Game Boy Color , 3DS

May 14, 2001
Capcom , Nintendo

Both Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages feature Impa in similar roles. In Oracle of Seasons, Impa goes undercover in Din's traveling troupe to watch her, and in Oracle of Seasons, she is possessed by Veran while attempting to find Nayru. Both times she gives Link information but is too injured to assist more.


The Differences Between Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons Explained

Two classic Zelda games are coming to Switch Online, and while they seem similar on a surface level, the two titles couldn't be any more different.

Impa has a more active role in these two games, even getting close to the action and directly trying to intervene in certain events. Compared to other games, she's still very minor to the plot and isn't portrayed as particularly capable. Once again, she serves her commonly-seen purpose of imparting information and setting Link's adventure into motion.

5 Breath of the Wild

The Culmination of Her Wisdom-Sharing Nature

The Legend Of Zelda: Every Impa Appearance, Ranked (6)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda
Nintendo Wii U , Switch

March 3, 2017

Breath of the Wild is Impa's newest iteration. More akin to her original design, this Impa is the wise elder of Kakariko Village and imparts wisdom upon Link. Players will be prompted to seek her out, so she can explain the history of Calamity Ganon.


Tears Of The Kingdom: 8 Enemies That Are In Other Zelda Games

Longtime fans of the Zelda franchise will have recognized these enemies from previous games in Tears of the Kingdom.

Impa was designed to be a character that provides information and advice, and this is easily the best execution of that. Making Impa a respected member of the community establishes her as the kind of person who would know many things, and her setting in Kakariko Village gives her more of an identity. Of all her semi-stationary, exposition-giving roles, this is one of the better examples.

4 A Link Between Worlds

The Sage of Shadows

The Legend Of Zelda: Every Impa Appearance, Ranked (8)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds




November 22, 2013

Nintendo EAD

A Link Between Worlds is one of the two games in which Impa is featured as a Sage. In this iteration, she's most similar to her original design as an older woman who serves as Princess Zelda's handmaiden. Despite this crucial role, Impa doesn't participate in the narrative much, having been kidnapped and concealed in a portrait like the other Sages.

Compared to many of her previous roles, this version of Impa is far more important and capable. It's one of the few times Impa is shown to have her powers, and is a long way from the simple servant. Yet, it doesn't quite reach the capable and resourceful Impas from other games.

3 Tears Of The Kingdom

The Glyph Hunting Historian

The Legend Of Zelda: Every Impa Appearance, Ranked (9)
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda

May 12, 2023

Tears of the Kingdom's Impa is very active and even assigns Link the task of investigating all the glyphs to discover their purpose. Once players have completed this quest, Impa can be found working with the Zonai Survey Team.

This iteration of Impa combines her intelligence and wisdom with her curious and capable nature. Despite her age, Impa is more than happy to investigate the glyphs and participate in the ongoing Zonai research. She's not one to shy away from new and exciting things, especially when they concern her village. As far as the older versions of Impa go, this is certainly the best one to date.

2 Ocarina Of Time

The Resourceful Protector

The Legend Of Zelda: Every Impa Appearance, Ranked (10)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time



Nintendo 64 , GameCube

November 21, 1998


Ocarina of Time's Impa was the first to portray her as a young, strong warrior whose intelligence matches her fighting ability. Impa helps Link escape the castle when it's under siege and flees with Zelda. She also sends Link to seek out the Spiritual Stone in Death Mountain. It's implied over the seven-year time skip that she trains Zelda to appear as Sheik, providing her with a disguise and invaluable skills.

Impa is eventually revealed to the Sage of Shadows after she goes to the Shadow Temple to try to conceal an evil plaguing her village. This Impa quickly became an iconic and completely fresh take on an otherwise easily dismissed character. She's central to the plot and is once again portrayed as a Sage who is both wise and crafty beyond her years. Her loyalty and love for Princess Zelda trumps everything, even if it means teaching her to fend for herself.

1 Skyward Sword

The Fierce Warrior of the Goddess Hylia

The Legend Of Zelda: Every Impa Appearance, Ranked (11)
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Legend of Zelda

November 20, 2011

In Skyward Sword, Impa travels from the past to protect Zelda, the newest form of the Goddess Hylia. She repeatedly rescues Zelda from enemies and is clearly a very talented warrior. Impa battles Ghirahim to give Zelda time to escape through the Gate of Time and destroys the gate to prevent them from being pursued. Once the evil has been defeated, Impa promises Zelda they will meet once more, and when she and Link return to their time the gate disappears to reveal an old woman. The old Impa speaks to the Princess one last time before passing on.

This version of Impa is miles ahead of nearly every other version. She's integral to the plot and is an extremely capable warrior. Although, like all games, she has more knowledge and wisdom than both Zelda and Link, and her brain is equally matched with her brawn. Her kind and loyal nature is established through Zelda's affection for her. It's a fitting and heartbreaking iteration of the character and easily ranks high in her appearances.

MORE: Tears Of The Kingdom: Best Things To Do Other Than The Main Story

The Legend Of Zelda: Every Impa Appearance, Ranked (2024)
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